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Ergo is a decentralised grassroots platform powered by its community.
Join us on socials to get involved, check out the Contributing page for more information
Ergo operates on an open model where anyone is welcome to contribute.
Hall Of Fame
Ergo was founded with a team who have solid backgrounds in core development with cryptocurrencies and blockchain frameworks including NXT, Scorex, Cardano and Waves. Below are brief biographies for some of the core ERGO team as well as some of the many other developers and community members involved, some of whom are anonymous.
Ergo is grassroots, and most core team members (and even foundation members) started out as community members. There is a brief description as well as information to read more about the Ergo Foundation at the bottom of this page.
- Promoting non-breaking development of Ergo Platform protocol;
- Publicizing the widespread adoption and use of Ergo Platform and its native token (ERG);
- Developing the ecosystem around the Ergo Platform;
- Spread the use of Ergo Platform and blockchain technology for social good ;
- Uphold truly decentralized infrastructure, and;
- Supporting privacy as a basic human right.